Frequently Asked Questions - LutubeÊÓƵ Guildford



Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions page will hopefully provide useful information for LutubeÊÓƵ parents to ensure they can support their child's learning and time at school.

Please to open the 2021 - 2022 College Guide for Parents and Staff which provides some additional information not listed below..

Anti-Bullying LutubeÊÓƵ

Everyone has the right to be treated with respect. With this right comes the responsibility of treating others with respect.

The college has a clear anti-bullying policy, which recognises that bullying exists in all institutions and that to reduce, or eradicate bullying depends on the co-operation of students, parents and staff.

All of us have a responsibility to help - we will not pass by if we see anyone being bulled - we will either deal with it ourselves or get help. If we have knowledge of bullying, it is our duty to let someone know.

A variety of sanctions will be used to combat bullying.

The College will offer support and counselling to both the victim and the bully.

A senior member of staff will deal with persistent bullying and at this stage, the community liaison police officers may be involved. 

If your child experiences bullying in any form, please inform his/her Progress Leader straight away.

Please click here for our anti-bullying policy.

Click here if you have any bullying concerns

Appointments in College Time

Students who wish to attend an appointment in College time, such as a dental appointments, must  have a note about the appointment and provide an appointment card/letter. Wherever possible parents are asked to arrange appointments outside College time.

Attendance & Absence

If your child is absent from College, please telephone the Attendance line on 01483-484509, between 8.00am – 9.00am or alternatively email our Attendance Administrator on

We have an automatic communication system in operation that will contact you directly if your child is marked absent at registration and we have not heard from a parent/carer. This is to ensure that the reason for absence is known as soon as possible and alert you if your child is not in College when they should be. Upon your child’s return, please provide a written note to explain any absence.

If your child is absent due to a medical appointment eg doctors or dental.  Then please provide evidence of the appointment, this can be an appointment car, letter or if you have an email confirmation this can be forwarded to the Attendance Administrator.

The College will monitor each student's attendance and contact you if there is a concern. If attendance is unsatisfactory, we may have to inform the Inclusion Officer. This may result in legal action. In line with government legislation the standard penalty charge for unauthorised absence will be £60 per child, per parent, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days. If not paid, the recipient will be prosecuted for the absence.

If a student is late to College without a reasonable explanation and arrives after registration by 8.30am (students  register between 8.25am - 8.30am on the MUGA)   they will be marked as late and an after school sanction will be issued and put in place for the day it occurs. Parents will be informed during the day via email and Arbor if students are being kept in college until 3.15pm that day.

If a student is consistently late, then further sanctions will be applied as deemed appropriate by a senior member of staff.   If a student arrives after registration closes, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. This is to comply with legal requirements. 


Did you know?

98% attendance = less than 4 days absent from school

96% attendance = 7 ½ days absent from school

90% attendance = 4 weeks absent from school

85% attendance = 5 ½ weeks absent from school

80% attendance = 7 ½ weeks absent from school

Research shows that students who miss between 10 and 20% of school (or 19 to 38 days per year) have only a 35% chance of achieving five or more good GCSEs. Conversely, students with attendance of 90% or above have a strong chance of achieving five 9-5 GCSE grades.


Change of Information

Please ensure that any changes in address, telephone numbers or emergency contact numbers are kept up to date. It is very important should there be an emergency situation involving your child that the College is able to contact you, or an adult who you have given authority, at all times

You should contact our Admissions & Pastoral Administrator, by calling the school on 01483 537373 or by emailling  with any amendments.


Most concerns and complaints are resolved by your child's Progress Leader. However, the parent or the Progress Leader may refer matters that cannot be successfully resolved to one of the Assistant Principals, depending on whether it is a curriculum or pastoral matter.    

The College Complaints Procedure can be found here


Progress Leaders are the key people responsible for the overall progress and welfare of each child in their Year Group. In most situations, the Form Tutor or Progress Leader will be the usual points of contact for parents, but concerns about specific subjects can be raised directly with the appropriate teacher or the Subject Leader of the particular subject. Parents who wish to see the Progress Leader should telephone for an appointment.

Teachers cannot be disturbed when teaching. We aim to respond to telephone calls/emails within 48 hours and reply to letters within three days.

Form Tutor For issues around home learning, general progress and behaviour
Progress Leader Responsible for the overall progress and welfare of each child in their year group
Subject Teacher For concerns about a particular subject, classwork or homework
Subject Leader For queries about the curriculum or progress in a subject.
If you have raised a concern with the class teacher and you feel it has not been resolved.
Senior Leadership Team For queries relating to school systems, serious issues and matters relating to staff and suggestions for improvement. 
If you have raised a concern with the Progress and Subject Leader and you feel it has not been resolved.
SENCO/ SEND Team For any SEND concerns

Contacting Members of Staff

Who to contact:

Christ's College has an excellent relationship with parents.  It is important to us that if parents/carers have any concerns about their child's wellbeing or learning that they contact the appropriate member of staff so that the issue can be resolved as quickly as possible.

Form Tutor For issues around home learning, general progress and behaviour
Progress Leader Responsible for the overall progress and welfare of each child in their year group
Subject Teacher For concerns about a particular subject, classwork or homework
Subject Leader For queries about the curriculum or progress in a subject.
If you have raised a concern with the class teacher and you feel it has not been resolved.
Senior Leadership Team For queries relating to school systems, serious issues and matters relating to staff and suggestions for improvement. 
If you have raised a concern with the Progress and Subject Leader and you feel it has not been resolved.
SENCO/ SEND Team For any SEND concerns


Staff Contact List

Please email the appropriate member of staff should you require any assistance, but if you would like to speak to someone or arrange an appointment with a Progress Leader, please email or telephone the school office.  Please note teachers cannot be disturbed whilst they are teaching.   

Cycling To College

If your son/daughter cycles to College, they should wear a protective helmet and padlock the bike on arrival at College. For general safety and that of others, students cycling to College must dismount from their bike once they arrive at the main gate, then walk it to the bike shed.    The College cannot be held responsible for damage or loss of cycles.

Hair Styles, Makeup & Jewellery


Extreme hairstyles are not permitted.  We consider this to include the following points.

  • Hair must be of a reasonable length (not less than grade 2) and with no shaved lines.
  • No styles that would identify the wearer with a particular group.
  • Hair colour must be natural colours only and discreet highlights of natural colours.
  • Two toned, or dip-dyed hair is not permitted.
  • Long hair must be tied back in all practical lessons, (Science, Food & Nutrition, Design Technology, PE, Dance and Drama).
  • Boys in both Lower and Upper School must be clean shaven.


Makeup is only permitted in Year 8 onwards and must be discreet; no heavy eye-liner or false eyelashes etc can be worn. 

No nail varnish or artificial nails (of any description) should be worn in College.  The decisions of the College Leadership Team are final. 



We cannot take responsibility for any items of value.  Students should not wear jewellery that could be a danger in PE, Dance, Science and Technology lessons.  Students may wear a watch (not a SMART watch), one plain ring, a simple fine chain, one bracelet and a single pair of ear studs.  One stud only should be worn in the bottom fleshy part of the ear lobe.  Students will have to remove all jewellery in PE and Dance lessons.  They are responsible for keeping their jewellery safe. 

No facial jewellery or body piercings are allowed - this includes safety studs, "keepers"  or any forms of perture retention.

Holidays / Leave of Absence

In line with government legislation the standard penalty charge for unauthorised absence will be £60, per child, per parent, if paid within 21 days, rising to £120 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If not paid, the recipient may be prosecuted for the absence.

If there are exceptional circumstances which require the student to miss days at College, please contact the Principal.  Exceptional circumstances would include recognised religious events and family bereavement. The Principal will make a decision in each case and her decision will be binding.


Lockers are available for all Year 7 students and the majority of Years 8 to 11 from the Finance Office at a charge of £35.00.  When your child leaves LutubeÊÓƵ, and on return of the locker keys, £10.00 is refunded.   However, if a key is lost and a spare key has to be issued, then there will be no refund.


Locker Terms and Conditions

The cost of the locker is a one off payment of £35.00 paid via SCOPAY.

  1. Should students lose the key to their locker they can request access to their locker from the Finance Office.
  2. If the original is not found, they will lose the deposit amount of £10.00 and a new key will be issued.
  3. Lockers are placed throughout the school and students are allocated by year group.
  4. All lockers are individually numbered.
  5. Students must not put anything on the door of the locker.
  6. Students must ensure they have the correct equipment for lessons, as access to lockers is not permitted during lesson time.
  7. Lockers can be accessed during the following times only:

Before School: 8.20am – 8.30am

Break time: 10.20am – 10.40am

Lunch time: 1.20pm – 1.55pm

After School: 3.15pm – 3.30pm

  1. Students must not enter any other students’ locker with or without permission.
  2. Students are not permitted to share lockers.
  3. Students must not place any items on top of the lockers.
  4. Students must not open their lockers if there is a student below them.
  5. Students must not leave wet coats or umbrellas in lockers as they ruin items in the lockers below.
  6. Students must not leave rubbish/food waste in lockers
  7. Lockers must be tidy at all times.
  8. The school reserves the right to search all lockers and the contents at any time and remove any items of an unsuitable, dangerous or illegal nature.
  9. Students must not move, climb on, kick or punch the lockers.
  10. Students should empty their locker at the end of each summer term.
  11. The school reserves the right to remove a locker from a student. The reasons may include:
    1. damage to their locker (the refundable part of your payment would be lost)
    2. keeping unsuitable/dangerous or illegal items in a school locker
    3. visiting their locker outside the agreed times without permission to do so

Although it will be at the schools’ discretion to remove the locker from a student for any other reason it deems to be unacceptable use of the locker.

Lost Property

Lost property can be claimed from the reception office.  It is essential that all property is clearly marked with the students name so that it can be returned promptly. We are unable to store un-named items for a long period and un-named lost property will be available for collection from the reception office for one month from receipt, and thereafter donated to charity  

Neither the College nor the Trust can be held responsible for any personal property lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.



All medication required by a student must be supplied by a parent/carer.  A Parental Agreement form for the school to administer medicine will need to be completed and handed in to the office.  The medication must be provided in its original packaging, named, be in-date and clearly labelled.  Medicines which do not meet this criteria will not be administered.  A receipt  will be given by the office staff when medication is handed in, and all medications will be stored in a secure location in the office.   No student should be in possession of medication themselves unless it is for life-saving purposes.

Lifesaving Medication

Students with life threatening conditions i.e. severe asthma, diabetes and severe allergies, are allowed to carry their prescribed emergency medication.  The student must take responsibility for looking after their own medication.   Spare emergency medication will need to be stored in the College office.  A specialist consent form and an Individual Health Plan will need to be completed, along with a Parent Agreement form.

The student must have full understanding about their medication and know what to do in case of a medical emergency.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are prohibited during the college day for five main reasons:

  1. The temptation for the majority of the students to use technology inappropriately is overwhelming and can cause cyber bullying and a significant distraction to learning during the day and in lesson.
  2. Mobile devices do not develop skills in writing with a pen which is still a main part of GCSE assessment.
  3. Mobile devices do not encourage students to train their memory, a vital requirement for GCSE success.
  4. Mobile devices limit the art of conversation.
  5. Mobile devices use more energy to produce, maintain and destroy and are not therefore environmentally 'green'.

Research by the London School of Economics in 2015 discovered that schools which have a policy of banning mobile devices enjoy 6% higher exam results.

To support the small number of students who need to bring a phone into college in order to use it after college, we will provide a lockable storage service. Prior to college starting at 8.30am, a member of staff will be available in the atrium from 8.10am so students can check in their phone. They can then collect their phone at 3.15pm.

If parents need to contact their children during the college day between 8.30am and 3.15pm, they should continue to use the proper channels of communication by phoning the college office.  If, in the extremely unlikely event that a student has to contact their parents during the college day, they should use the proper channels and go to the college office to make a phone call

If a mobile device is seen or heard during the College day, it will be confiscated immediately and returned at the end of the week.


The college has a responsibility to encourage high standards of punctuality.  We would like to emphasise the importance of students ensuring they are arriving to college on time. Good punctuality at college is essential for students to achieve their full educational potential. It is also vital for students to form good habits for later life. Punctuality records form part of references passed onto employers or further educational institutes.

Students are aware that they are expected to line up with their tutor on the MUGA at 8.25am where they will be registered. If they fail to register by 8.30am, they will be marked as late and an after school sanction will be issued and put in place for the day it occurs. Parents will be informed during the day via email and Arbor if students are being kept in college until 3.30pm that day.

We would ask parents to support us in maintaining good punctuality by:-

  • Ensuring that their children get up in plenty of time to be ready and prepared for college.
  • Ensuring their child has organised their bag and equipment the night before so that this does not delay departure in the morning.
  • Discussing any issues of lateness to ensure this does not become a habit.
  • Monitoring their child’s attendance on Arbor as well as the attendance record that is sent home and looking for patterns of lateness.

Any students arriving after 8.30am MUST report to Reception to sign in so that the college knows they are present.

If a student is consistently late then further sanctions will be applied as deemed appropriate by a senior member of staff.  A late mark after registration closes will count as an unauthorised absence;  this is to comply with legal requirements.  Students who are consistently late will be referred to the Inclusion Service.

Student Equipment

All students must bring to College every day:

  • A selection of  black/blue pens
  • Pencils (HB, 2B, B)
  • Colour pencils and/or felt tips
  • A 30cm ruler,
  • Eraser
  • Pocket English and French dictionary
  • Reading book
  • College Planner.
  • A set of mathematical instruments including a pair of compasses. and protractor.
  • A scientific calculator model CASIO fx-83GT plus (available from the College at a reduced price).
  • On certain days they will also need to bring their PE kit.

Transport - School Coach

 701 Coach Services for 2022/23

The 701 coach service run by Edward Thomas & Son Coaches starts at West Byfleet and goes to the College via Pyrford/Ripley/Send and Old Woking/Westfield. The outline route is below.   


Due to the recent rise in fuel prices, Edward Thomas & Sons have increased the annual fee charged to Christ's College for the hire of the coach.   Despite the considerable increase to the College, we have tried to keep the costs we pass on to parents to a minimum.  The charges are as follows:

• West Byfleet to CCG (return) £1,083 per annum if paid in advance or £361 per term

• Pyrford to CCG (return) £1,017 per annum if paid in advance or £339 per term

• Ripley/Send to CCG (return) £794 per annum if paid in advance or £265 per term

• Old Woking/Westfield to CCG (return) £668 per annum or £223 per term.

We are also conscious of the effect of examinations on Year 11s and will offer a HALF TERMLY payment for the Summer term (i.e. to May half term). Please contact Mrs Jan Edwards before the 2023 Summer term to discuss this.

Payment can now be made via WisePay (Trips and Visits | College Coach Service 2022/23). New Years 7s starting in September 2022 are also able to pay via WisePay with the login that will be sent out to families. If you cannot remember your login, please contact Mrs Jan Edwards in the finance office and she can help you.

Payment needs to be received by 31st August 2022 at the latest for the autumn term to allow time to process payment and issue a pass in the first week of term.


If you are eligible for free transport from Surrey County Council, a copy of your provision letter is required in order for us to issue your pass.  You can find out more details .


Passes must be shown for every journey from September, otherwise your child will not be allowed on the coach, so please apply on time. For the first week the driver will have a list of names so that you can travel before you are given your pass. 


We have worked hard with the coach company to adjust to deal with Covid19. Please note the following:

  1. Students are advised to carry their own hand sanitiser and to use if before boarding the coach.
  2. Wearing masks is no longer compulsory on the coach, but is advised.
  3. There will be the same coach driver each day allocated to the same vehicle.
  4. Windows will be open on the coach to aid ventilation.
  5. All hard surfaces on the coach will be wiped down with anti-virus wipes (hand rails, seatbelts etc) after each journey, vehicles will also be sprayed with an anti-virus spray for the fabric surfaces. Floors shall be mopped.

Download the school coach letter and booking form here

School Coach Letter 2022-23 & Booking Form

Mrs Jan Edwards












West Byfleet Station

Pryford Road B367 (pick up at Memorial Hall)





Estimated arrival time in the evening





Post Office

Avonmore Mews

Ripley Nurseries










Burnt Common Lane

Send Barns Lane/Send Marsh Road

Send Rd/Broadmead Rd











Post Office (bus stop)


High St/Shackleford Rd bus stop (am) Industrial Estate last before roundabout.  Other side of High Street

Westfield Rd/Eastern & Oriental Restaurant

Mayford Arms PH












Larch Avenue, Guildford




Uniform / Appearance

Christ's College has high standards and expectations for every student's appearance.  all students are encouraged to take pride in their personal appearance.

Uniform must be worn in College at all times, at official functions and on some College trips. Uniform should also be worn to and from College. Students on their way to and from College represent us in the local community and their appearance and behaviour influences our reputation.

Please click here to access information about our uniform.


Valuable items including iPhones, iPods, iWatch, Smartwatch and PSPs etc must not be brought to College. There is no insurance policy for lost items and as there is always a risk of damage or loss the recommendation of the College is not to bring any valuable items to College. The College will exclude all liability.   

If a parent wishes their son/daughter to have a mobile device after College, the student must hand the device in to staff in the atrium before morning registration on the MUGA and collect it at the end of the day. If a mobile device is seen or heard during the College day, it will be confiscated immediately and returned at the end of the week.

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