Staff Recognition Scheme - LutubeÊÓƵ Guildford



Staff Recognition Scheme

At LutubeÊÓƵ we are lucky enough to have supportive families who understand the importance of nurturing young people as they make their way into adulthood. As the staff of LutubeÊÓƵ we also understand the importance of caring for our students as they learn and grow. We are also proud of the way all our staff support our young people, helping them to learn safely in their environment and achieve as highly as they can in their chosen qualifications.

The Staff Recognition Scheme has been set up so that Parents /Carers/ Governors/ Staff and members of our community can show their thanks to staff who they feel have been integral to their young persons development.

To ensure your token of thanks is received, please fill out the Staff Recognition Postcard (which can be found on the link below) and submit this using the submit button. This will then be acknowledged by the Principal and forwarded to the recipient.

The categories for nominations are as follows:

Being inspiring           Leadership          

They inspire others to be the best they can be. They encourage others to achieve the best for themselves and the school.

They encourage and motivate staff/students, promoting a positive attitude and atmosphere. They positively influence others by their example.


Creativity Responsiveness Christian Ethos and Core Values

They are innovative and challenge existing methods and processes by developing improvements to enhance learning/ opportunities

They are consistently approachable, willing to collaborate and share ideas. They are committed and readily react to suggestions.

They are demonstrating our Christian Distinctiveness and model our core values.



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